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City-County Health District

Sheyenne Valley Memory Cafe Meets January 25

Sheyenne Valley Memory Café will be held on Thursday, January 25 at Faith Lutheran Church, 309 4th Street NE, Valley City. A brief program “Estate Planning: The 10,000 Foot View” will start at 1:30 PM. Coffee and dessert will be served from 2 – 3 PM.  

“Many people are unprepared to deal with the legal and financial consequences of a serious illness such as Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia,” states Amber Schmidt, registered nurse and member of the Barnes County Healthy Brain Initiative.  

Basic legal and financial documents can help ensure that a person’s late state or end-of-life health care and financial decisions are carried out. “We are excited to have Jeff Gunkelman, an attorney with Kennelly Business Law present as well as answer questions at the next Sheyenne Valley Memory Café,” states Kerry Due, Director of Nursing at City-County Health District.   

A memory café is an opportunity for individuals with dementia or early onset Alzheimer’s to gather together and connect with others. Caregivers and family members are invited to join the Memory Café as well.   

For more information, call City-County Health District at 845-8518 or follow @SheyenneValleyMemoryCafe on Facebook.  


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