Health Tracks
Health Tracks is a program through North Dakota Medicaid that focuses on prevention, early detection and treatment for children and young adults under 21.
Covered Services
Health Tracks may cover:
Annual well-child checks
Dental exams, cleanings, braces, flouride varnish
Behavioral health screenings
Vision checks and glasses
Hearing checks and hearing aids
Autism Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy
Physical, occupational and speech therapies
Growth and development checks
Other health services
The Health Tracks coordinator at City-County Health District will help schedule appointments for services. Some services require prior approval, so check with your coordinator about these requirements.
Screening Schedule
Health Tracks screenings are recommended at these ages:
2-5 days old
1 month
2 months
4 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
15 months
18 months
24 months
30 months
Every year from age 3 through 20
Dental care:
First visit after a child's first tooth appears OR by age one, or sooner if a problem occurs.
Checkups every 6 months.
To schedule a Health Tracks appointment at City-County Health District, call 845-8518.